Coming Soon: The Primal Diaries

The Boy and I have been talking about Christmas presents recently; determining who’s going to get what, etc. We’ve known for a while what I was going to buy him, but he had no idea what to get me or–gasp, even anything?! [He’s absolutely notorious for not buying people anything at all for birthdays and holidays simply because he doesn’t want to.] After finally deciding on something for him to get me and telling him about it, he tells me that he has an idea for my present but he wasn’t going to tell me. I was completely fine with this, but he dropped the hint that I was going to have to become a serious blogger for him to buy it. Immediately I thought I knew what it was, and I thought it was really sweet.

Tonight, for some reason, we got on the subject and he said that he was concerned that I wouldn’t like what he’d picked… So he broke down and told me what it was. It wasn’t what I had thought, but it was still really cool nonetheless. After talking for a while, we came to the conclusion that we needed to get what I had originally thought it was first before getting his present. And what is all this stuff we were talking about? Glad you asked!

When The Boy told me that he wanted to buy me something related to my blog, I assumed that it was a domain name of my own. I thought he was going to build me a website (since he’s a web developer), and that we would work on it together. Well… He found this light-box thing that specifically designed for taking pictures of food. The theory is that you are supposed to put the food on a nice place and put it in the box, that serves as a solid background for your photograph, and then adjust the lighting  and take the picture. It is also a very cool idea. But I really need to get my website up and running smoothly, and consistently (teehee), before we go that professional.

I am very excited about the prospect of having my own domain name, though the permanence of the name is slightly scary. I think I’ve settled on a name that I really like though. In the next month I’ll be introducing you to: The Primal Diaries. It’s a combination of my Dinner Dairies category and the Primal lifestyle I live. The Boy likes it, and it’s not already taken as a domain name. So, we’ll see! I’ll keep you posted!

That’s all I got for tonight.

Til next time.



From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 51

Not a whole lot to report today. Going to the belated 4th celebration on the waterfront this afternoon. Other than that, this weekend has been pretty uneventful.

Anyway, 172.0lbs. Slowly but surely.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 50

It’s only day 4 in my 30-day Primal Challenge, and I’m already struggling. Tonight is normally date night, which normally means we go out to eat. But since the Boy and I are doing the challenge, we can’t. We also couldn’t because he has to get up super early tomorrow of his written police exam. It’s kind of discouraging, but I have to try to keep on trucking for the rest of this month.  A whole. Month! It’s gonna be a long month. Argh.

Another big piece of this challenge is to try not to stress over the things that happen in life. In third grade I was awarded class worrywart. Clearly, this hasn’t gotten any better in my young adult life. That’s going to be a hard rule to follow.

Anyway, 172.4lbs. Not much, but something.

Stay cool today, peeps! It’s gonna be a hot one.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 49

I’ve been super hard on myself lately. Yesterday, the Boy and I went sprinting for the first time. It is without a doubt the hardest workout I’ve had in a long, long time. I was so mad at myself because I struggled. So. Much. It was like I was breathing fire after the first, hmm let’s say, 2 minutes. I wanted to die. Right then and there. I also wanted to die from shame because I looked like a granny with a walker with the speed I was running  in front of a few tweens sitting in the bleachers. What is wrong with me?! I was embarrassed because of wanna-be teenagers! Seriously, Bexy Anne?! Chill the eff out, right? God. I was so pissed at myself. Starting to cry while running just made it all the harder to breath. I just got myself all worked up over nothing, really. Goodness, I was even pissed at the heat making me bright red and sweating like a pig waiting to be roasted. I was a certified mess yesterday afternoon. The Boy was fantastic though. Certainly tried to cheer me up, and tell me it would get better. I still have a hard time believing that, but I’ve gotta keep trying. Even if I’d rather just be naturally thin, and not have to bust my ass to get rid of my rump. I made some motivational signs for the wall in my room, so I can get my self focused for the day. One that has a weight count down, and one that’s the bikini I want to be in by November. We’ll see if it helps at all.

Anywho, 172.8lbs this morning.

Hope everyone is not too hung over today!

Ps. If took a long holiday weekend, you stink.


Random Thought of the Day: Pandora offers radio stations specifically related to BBQs. This makes me want a grill all the more.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 48

Now don’t be too disappointed. I didn’t weight myself this morning. It seems to be a habit of mine on the days I’m not working. I’ll have to try to work on that.

I don’t have a whole lot new to report. Just a lazy day off. Sadly no 4th celebrations.

Hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Eat something Primal!

Btw, still feeling my workout haha. So much for it not being as bad as the first time.

Random Thought of the Day: I saw a recipe that called for purple sweet potatoes. I really want to find them now.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 47

I hate to admit this; I really do… The Boy… was right. To some extent anyway. My weight did go up from yesterday (174.4lbs), but I attribute it to the fact that I ate Five Guys for lunch. I know I said I was going to eat sushi for lunch, and I did try. But due to the storm and all the damage in the area, a lot of the local businesses in this neck of the woods were closed. Oh well. We ate primally for dinner (hot sausage and coleslaw–don’t judge; it was delicious!), and our official 30-day challenge started today. We worked out last night too. I’m happy to say it kicked my ass, but I’m not unbearably sore today; mostly just my arms, so that’s pretty good. Tonight is a rest night, and them tomorrow is sprinting.

For anyone that is curious about the work out portion of the Primal lifestyle, check it out here. There’s also a lot of other tips and ideas in the site, so explore!

And just in case you’re REALLY curious, my new work out routine is:

  • Sunday: Sprinting
  • Monday: Lift Heavy Things (a.k.a weights/using your body as weights workouts–lat pull downs, squats, push-ups, planks, and side planks)
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Sprinting
  • Thursday: Lift Heavy Things
  • Friday: Rest
  • Saturday: Lift Heavy Things
I’m doing the sprinting twice a week mainly to help me reach my weight goal of 135lbs. But it’s also to help train me for my 5k in October. Yeah, I know. 5k’s are technically a no-no for the Primal way of living. But… One of my friends wants me to do it with her, it looks like a shit ton of fun (The Color Run), and running a sanctioned race is on my Bucket List. So I’m gonna knock this one out, and then cut back to sprinting just once a week to help maintain where I’m at. I highly recommend this way of working out. Helps to keep working out interesting, and not as boring.
Anyhow, that’s my lecture for today. I’ll leave you with this tidbit for today.
See you tomorrow, folks!

Random Thought of the Day: Coffee without sugar added SUCKS! But I have to try to get used to it. Argh.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 46

If you read my post from yesterday, you’ll remember that I have been gone for a while from updating my weight-loss tracking. Since it was just over 2 weeks, I don’t really feel like writing 15 posts (1 for each day). I also didn’t weight myself everyday. So! I’m just going to count ahead to today, and start here!

Much to my shock and immense pleasure I weighed in this morning at 173.2lbs. The Boy was so kind in telling my not to get upset if I go up in the next few day due to our horrible “dark ages” diet. Psshaw. I’ll ignore that comment, and stay in my happy place. Though society seemed to be out to put me in a bad mood this morning.  ANYWHO!

We got our power back last night!! Just around 10:30pm. It was quite exciting. Like Christmas in July. It’s sad how dependent I am on technology. Oh wellz, I suppose.

The 30-day Primal starts completely tomorrow. We didn’t have any food in the fridge, obviously, and I certainly wasn’t going grocery shopping last night at 11pm. So lunch is out today, and Primal eatin’s start tonight. I think I’m getting sushi today. Mhmm mhmm. That I am.

Random Thought of the Day: I think I’m going to continue working on the book I started on the other page in this blog. I’ve also decided that I’m going to have a pen name since my name (which I won’t tell you haha) is already taken by a famous author. I’ll never get recognized, or other people would think I was her, if I used my real name. Lyla Madison is going to be my identity in the writing world. I absolutely love this name, and am super sad I can’t use it on a child (The Boy won’t let me). So I wanted to make sure it got good use!

Back to work for me. Xoxo, lovies!

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 28

This morning I hovered between 170.9lbs and 171.0lbs. I’m completely fine that I didn’t make my complete goal. I’m just grateful I made it this far before my trip. I’m 10lbs lighter visiting home this time than I was the last time, so that’s pretty awesome.

While I’m away, I’m not going to be writing From Fatty to Skinny-Minny posts since my parents don’t have a scale at the house. And I didn’t want to be the freak carrying a scale on the bus haha. I’ll start posting again once I’m back–a week from today!

Don’t give up on me!

Rock on with your bad selves while I’m gone.

Try not to miss to me too much 😉

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 27

Yup. I’m still making progress.

Exactly 171.0lbs !

No need to say more haha.

Oh, except the fact that last night I worked out according to the Primal workout guide, and the Boy taught me the correct forms. Let’s just say I was doing them COMPLETELY wrong when I was doing them on my own last year. I am so feeling it today. And of course it’s the day my boss’ dogs decide they need to outside a thousand times, which means a hundred million trips up and down the stairs to let them in and out. I had a hard time having muscle energy to walk across the parking lot to my car this morning, for goodness sake, let alone going up and down 20 stairs more than once. Le sigh. It’s an awesome feeling though. So I know it’s worth. It’s just been a while.

Well, off to let the dogs in. Again.


From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 26

I am completely over the moon!! Could not be happier about my weight today: 172.4lbs! Lowest I’ve ever been. (Sorry if this pound-by-pound thing is getting annoying; I can’t help it! lol)

Come on 170! I wanna at LEAST get there. Come on, come on, come on!! 😀

Doing the happy dance today.

Try not to get soaked everyone–the rain here stinks!

Talk to ya lata. Peace out!