From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 14

I’m gonna keep this short and sweet today since I’m super tired and headed to bed ASAP.

174.2 lbs this morning. Still going down.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll at least maintain–I had to work late (from 8am to 7:45pm), and had pizza for dinner with my boss. :S

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 13

Still on the downward slope, but I made a pretty significant improvement: 174.6lbs this morning. One more pound to go, and I’ll be right back on track!

I told the Boy this morning that I wanted green bean casserole as our side tonight. He was cool with it, but he decided to tell me that it’s not “completely” Primal. He went on to explain that it falls under the category of legumes, which is like potatoes: only eat them occasionally.

Some things I just wish he wouldn’t tell me. *Sad face*

I love green bean casserole. I thought it was my ONE normal thing I could keep eating. Le sigh. Oh wellz.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 12

This morning I decided to wear a skirt that I made in high school. Yes, my tiny little hands created a garment worthy of being worn in public. I actually made quite a few over the course of my junior year, but that’s besides the point. This is the one article of clothing that I created that I feel comfortable wearing outside my home. When I made in it high school, it was snug on me. When I went to college, it was down right tight–but I’d wear it anyway since it was one of the few skirts I had that I liked.

Well this morning, for the first time, it fits me right. I can pull it on over my hips (yes this is a huge deal since I couldn’t with most of my skirts since they were tighter at the top) and zip it up one handed. Pretty awesome.

My weigh results for today: 176.6lbs.

Headed back down, folks. Let’s hope I can actually stay there and continue on in my quest this time.

The Follies of Working in the Real World – An Update

If you’ve read any of my other posts from last year, you’ll notice the title of this particular series has changed. Originally, it was “The Follies of Working Overnights”. In it I described some of my adventures or thoughts while I was working from 10pm to 8am. But the title really isn’t appropriate anymore since I have moved on from my overnight-Substance Abuse Clinician job.

Currently I’m working an Executive Assistant to the CEO for a consulting firm in the software engineering industry. Yes, this is a complete switch from what I went to school for, but that was the point. I got incredibly burnt out with what I was doing after relocating to the DC metropolitan area, and trying my hand as a case manager in DC. Though it was a good experience, and gave me wonderfully entertaining stories, it made me painfully aware that I was not in the right career field.

Now, I am so much happier in what I am doing. I really see the future that I wanted from myself coming from this position. But even though this is a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity, it doesn’t come without it growing pains. Though you’ll never hear me complain about this job, because it’s truly amazing,  you definitely will hear of stupid things that I did or crazy things that I learned along the way.

With this new title I’ll also write posts about past experiences in my other jobs, just because there are so many stories that need to be told.

To hold you over until the next Follies post, just try to envision what the first day as a DC case manager would look like for a young, 22 year-old woman from the North working in the inner city for the first time in her life, with a 28-person caseload, of which every single person was over the age of 45.

Yes, it’s going to be quite the tale. You’re bound to love it.


From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 9, 10, & 11

Yeah. The weekends are my complete and utter downfall.

Day 9 (5/26/2012): 173.6lbs—Yes! Primal date night was a success.

Day 10 (5/27/2012):175.4lbs—Gah, Wings Over was a super bad idea.

Day 11 (Today): 177.8lbs—F*ck! Memorial day celebrations are killing me and my weight loss goals.

*Hangs head in shame*

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 8

I don’t know why I thought growing up would be fun. I don’t know why I rushed my childhood. I should have listened to my mother, hahaha. Because there is absolutely no time to do what you want as an adult.

I didn’t get to workout last night as planned, simply because I was too busy. But I was super diligent with my diet yesterday (and all this week). I’m back to where I was last Friday! (Thank God).

173.4lbs this morning. 😀

And this date night tonight, I’m eating primal. I can’t get to derailed again. I have a goal to meet in just a couple of weeks. Eeek!

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 7

Heck yeah!

I was 174.2lbs this morning!! That’s more than a pound in a day! So excited. 😀


Tonight starts my work out regimen in addition to my walking regimen. I was planning on starting on June 1st with that, but there’s really no reason to. I’m not in so terrible of shape that I can’t do both.

So here we go!

I’ll tell you how I feel tomorrow morning hahaha.


From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 6

Well, I’m proud to say I am back on the losing weight with the Primal Lifestyle bandwagon.

This morning I weighed in at 175.8lbs. Woop woop!

Tonight I’m going to get back into my walk regimen. I stopped it for a couple days due to a nasty sunburn that prevented me from wearing normal clothes, and well, because I was just lazy.

Have an awesome hump day, everyone.

Things We Learn in Our 20s

One of my good friends from college posted this on her facebook page. I definitely think everyone in their 20s needs to read this. It’s so ridiculously true!!

Props to The Thought Catalog for putting this together.

From Fatty to Skinny-Minny/Day 4 & 5

I’ve failed with getting my daily weight posts up. And yes, I will admit it–I’ve been a little embarrassed about my failing to continue losing weight like I was. I’ve actually gained 4lbs since last Friday, so I’m back at 177.0lbs. It’s really disheartening, but I know I haven’t been as good as I was for 2 weeks. I haven’t walked since Saturday, and I haven’t been completely Primal with my diet, so it’s my own damn fault. It’s still very upsetting for me, and I’m really disappointed in myself.  I’m going to work on it today, and get back in the game. (Can’t you tell I’m wayyy to hard on myself–gotta work on that too!)

The Boy has been trying to help me along the way, but I’ve been less than grateful of his support. I’ve just been super irritable with him because of my shortcomings. I know he’s only trying to help, but I’ve just been taking it as a personal attack against me. *Hangs head in shame* Today’s a new day, right? Right. I promise myself, and to all you peeps reading this, that I will be better all the way around today–with my health, attitude, and love for him.

Okay, let’s do this!

See ya tomorrow, folks. I will make you proud! (Hopefully. :/)