Coming Soon: The Primal Diaries

The Boy and I have been talking about Christmas presents recently; determining who’s going to get what, etc. We’ve known for a while what I was going to buy him, but he had no idea what to get me or–gasp, even anything?! [He’s absolutely notorious for not buying people anything at all for birthdays and holidays simply because he doesn’t want to.] After finally deciding on something for him to get me and telling him about it, he tells me that he has an idea for my present but he wasn’t going to tell me. I was completely fine with this, but he dropped the hint that I was going to have to become a serious blogger for him to buy it. Immediately I thought I knew what it was, and I thought it was really sweet.

Tonight, for some reason, we got on the subject and he said that he was concerned that I wouldn’t like what he’d picked… So he broke down and told me what it was. It wasn’t what I had thought, but it was still really cool nonetheless. After talking for a while, we came to the conclusion that we needed to get what I had originally thought it was first before getting his present. And what is all this stuff we were talking about? Glad you asked!

When The Boy told me that he wanted to buy me something related to my blog, I assumed that it was a domain name of my own. I thought he was going to build me a website (since he’s a web developer), and that we would work on it together. Well… He found this light-box thing that specifically designed for taking pictures of food. The theory is that you are supposed to put the food on a nice place and put it in the box, that serves as a solid background for your photograph, and then adjust the lighting  and take the picture. It is also a very cool idea. But I really need to get my website up and running smoothly, and consistently (teehee), before we go that professional.

I am very excited about the prospect of having my own domain name, though the permanence of the name is slightly scary. I think I’ve settled on a name that I really like though. In the next month I’ll be introducing you to: The Primal Diaries. It’s a combination of my Dinner Dairies category and the Primal lifestyle I live. The Boy likes it, and it’s not already taken as a domain name. So, we’ll see! I’ll keep you posted!

That’s all I got for tonight.

Til next time.



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